Sepsis Serum and Plasma Samples

Sepsis Serum and Plasma Samples Bay Biosciences provides high-quality, fresh frozen, matched serum (sera) and plasma samples from unique sepsis patients and age matched normal healthy donors for research. The K2EDTA plasma, sera (serum) and PBMC bio-fluid specimens are processed from sepsis patient’s peripheral whole-blood using customized sample collection and processing protocols. Sepsis Overview Sepsis […]

Human Aqueous Humor Biospecimens

Human Aqueous Humor Biospecimens Bay Biosciences provides high-quality, fresh frozen, aqueous humor biospecimens from glaucoma patients and age matched normal healthy donors for research. What is Aqueous Humor? Aqueous humor is defined as the clear, watery fluid inside the front of the eye. It works by bringing nutrients to the eye and by maintaining the […]

Myasthenia Gravis AChR+ Serum

Myasthenia Gravis AChR+ Serum Bay Biosciences provides high quality, clinical grade, frozen matched K2-EDTAplasma,  sera (serum) samples from unique acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibody positive myasthenia gravis (MG) patients. Freshly collected peripheral whole-blood from myasthenia graves (MG) patients is processed to obtain the sera (serum) and K2-EDTA plasma using customized collection and processing protocols. Difference Between Generalized Myasthenia […]