Bay Biosciences high quality clinical grade fresh frozen serumplasma, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) biofluid samples derived from patients whole blood, from patients diagnosed with Dementia.

Detailed clinical data and pathology annotations associated with the dementia patients serumplasma and PBMC biofluid samples is provided to a valued pharmaceutical customer for diagnostics, discovery, development and research.

The sera (serum), plasma and PBMC biofluid specimens are processed from dementia patient’s peripheral whole-blood using customized collection and processing protocols.

Dementia Overview

Dementia is an overall term for diseases and conditions characterized by a decline in memory, language, problem-solving and other thinking skills that affect a person’s ability to perform everyday activities.

Memory loss is an example. Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia.

Dementia is not a single disease, it’s an overall term like heart disease, that covers a wide range of
specific medical conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease.

Disorders grouped under the general term “dementia” are caused by abnormal brain changes. These changes trigger a decline in thinking skills, also known as cognitive abilities, severe enough to impair daily life and independent function.

They also affect behavior, feelings and relationships. According to the WHO around 50 million people have dementia, and there are nearly 10 million new cases every year worldwide.

Dementia Signs and Symptoms

Dementia symptoms vary depending on the cause. Different types of dementia can affect people differently, and everyone will experience symptoms in their own way.

Early common signs and symptoms of dementia include:

Causes of Dementia

Dementia isn’t a disease, instead, it’s a neurocognitive disorder or a group of symptoms caused by other conditions.

Dementia occurs when the parts of the brain used for learning, memory, decision making, and language are damaged or diseased.

Following are some of the conditions causing Dementia:

Types of Dementia

Dementia can be split into the following two groups based on which part of the brain is affected. Some types of dementia can affect both parts of the brain.

  • Cortical dementias happen because of problems in the cerebral cortex, the outer layer of the brain. They play a critical role in memory and language. Patients with these types of dementia usually have severe memory loss and can’t remember words or understand language. Alzheimer’s disease
     and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease are two forms of cortical dementia.

  • Subcortical dementias happen because of problems in the parts of the brain beneath the cortex. Patients with subcortical dementias tend to show changes in their speed of thinking and ability to start activities. Usually, people with subcortical dementia don’t have forgetfulness and language problems. Parkinson’s diseaseHuntington’s disease, and HIV can cause these types of dementia.

Stages of Dementia

Usually dementia goes through the following stages, depending on the area of the brain that’s affected:

Stage-1 No impairment: Patients with dementia at this stage will show no symptoms, but tests may reveal a problem.

Stage-2 Very mild decline: Slight changes in normal behavior may be noticed, but the dementia patient will still be independent.

Stage-3 Mild decline: At this point more changes are noticed in the dementia patients thinking and reasoning. They may have trouble making plans, and they may repeat themselves a lot. They may also have a hard time remembering recent events.

Stage-4 Moderate decline: Dementia patients will have more problems with making plans and remembering recent events. They may have a hard time with traveling and handling money by themselves.

Stage-5 Moderately severe decline: Dementia patients may not remember their phone number or their grandchildren’s names. They may be confused about the time of day or day of the week. At this point, they’ll need assistance with some basic day-to-day functions, such as picking out clothes to wear.

Stage- 6 Severe decline: At this stage dementia patients will  begin to forget the name of their spouse. They’ll need help going to the restroom and eating. You may also see changes in their personality and emotions.

Stage-7 Very severe decline: Dementia patients at this stage can no longer speak their thoughts. They can’t walk and will spend most of their time in bed.

Bay Biosciences is a global leader in providing researchers with high quality, clinical grade, fully characterized human tissue samples, bio-specimens and human bio-fluid collections. 

Samples available are cancer (tumor) tissue, cancer serum, cancer plasma cancer PBMC and human tissue samples from most other therapeutic areas and diseases.

Bay Biosciences maintains and manages its own bio-repository, human tissue bank (biobank) consisting of thousands of diseased samples (specimens) and from normal healthy donors available in all formats and types.

Our biobank procures and stores fully consented, deidentified and institutional review boards (IRB) approved human tissue samples and matched controls.

All our human tissue collections, human specimens and human bio-fluids are provided with detailed samples associated patient’s clinical data.

This critical patient’s clinical data includes information relating to their past and current disease, treatment history, lifestyle choices, biomarkers and genetic information.

Patient’s data is extremely valuable for researchers and is used to help identify new effective treatments (drug discovery & development) in oncology, other therapeutic areas and diseases. 

Bay Biosciences banks wide variety of human tissue samples and biological samples including cryogenically preserved at – 80°C.

Including fresh frozen tissue samplestumor tissue samples, FFPE’s, tissue slides, with matching human bio-fluids, whole blood and blood derived products such as serumplasma and PBMC’s.

Bay Biosciences is a global leader in collecting and providing human tissue samples according to the researchers specified requirements and customized, tailor-made collection protocols.

Please contact us anytime to discuss your special research projects and customized human tissue sample requirements.

Bay Biosciences provides human tissue samples (human specimens) from diseased and normal healthy donors which includes:

  • Peripheral whole-blood,
  • Amniotic fluid
  • Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL)
  • Sputum
  • Pleural effusion
  • Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
  • Serum (sera)
  • Plasma
  • Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC’s)
  • Saliva
  • Buffy coat
  • Urine
  • Stool samples
  • Aqueous humor
  • Vitreous humor
  • Kidney stones (renal calculi)
  • Other bodily fluids from most diseases including cancer.

We can also procure most human bio-specimens and can-do special collections and requests of human samples that are difficult to find. All our human tissue samples are procured through IRB approved clinical protocols and procedures. 

In addition to the standard processing protocols Bay Biosciences can also provide human plasmaserum, PBMC bio-fluid samples using custom processing protocols, you can buy donor specific sample collections in higher volumes and specified sample aliquots from us.

 Bay Biosciences also provides human samples from normal healthy donors, volunteers, for controls and clinical research, contact us Now.


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