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Dizziness Overview

Dizziness is the feeling of being disoriented, lightheaded, woozy, or having a a sense of unsteadiness. Dizziness is an impairment of spatial orientation. It affects the sensory organs, specifically the eyes and ears, so it can sometimes cause fainting. Dizziness can be classified into four main types: vertigo, disequilibrium, pre-syncope, or lightheadedness. Dizziness isn’t a disease, but rather a symptom of various disorders. A dizzy spell doesn’t always indicate a life-threatening condition, but it can be unnerving. Dizziness can be associated with more serious conditions, such as a stroke or cardiovascular problems.

Dizziness is a feeling of lightheadedness, faintness or being close to passing out. It affects the sense of balance and can increase the risk of falling. It can occur alongside vertigo, which affects balance and makes a person feel as though they or their surroundings are spinning. Although lightheadedness and vertigo can feel similar, they have different causes.

Vertigo and disequilibrium may cause a feeling of dizziness, but those two terms describe different symptoms. Vertigo is characterized by a spinning sensation, like the room is moving. It may also feel like motion sickness or as if you’re leaning to one side. Disequilibrium is a loss of balance or equilibrium. 

Dizziness may be described by many different terms. Common descriptions include words such as lightheaded, floating, woozy, giddy, confused, helpless or fuzzy. Vertigo disequilibrium and pre-syncope may also be referred to as dizziness. Dizziness is sometimes a symptom of a balance disorder.

Dizziness can occur when while moving, standing still or lying down. When you’re dizzy, you may feel:

  • Faint
  • Lightheaded
  • Nausea
  • Unsteady
  • Woozy

Causes of Dizziness

A number of conditions can cause dizziness because balance involves several parts of the body. The brain gets input about movement and your body’s position from:

  • Inner Ear
  • Eyes
  • Muscles
  • Joints
  • Skin

Inner ear disorders are frequently the cause of feeling dizzy. The most common causes include benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), Meniere’s syndrome and ear infections.

Common causes of dizziness include a migraine, medications, and alcohol. It can also be caused by a problem in the inner ear, where balance is regulated. Other common cause of lightheadedness is orthostatic hypotension which is a sudden drop in blood pressure when you stand up from sitting on lying down. Positional changes, especially quick ones, divert blood flow temporarily from the brain to the body. It is more likely that this will result in lightheadedness when a person is dehydrated or ill.

Dizziness is often a result of vertigo as well. The most common cause of vertigo and vertigo-related dizziness is benign positional vertigo (BPV). This causes short-term dizziness when someone changes positions quickly, such as sitting up in bed after lying down.

Dizziness and vertigo can also be triggered by Meniere’s disease. This causes fluid to build up in the ear with associated ear fullness, hearing loss, and tinnitus. Another possible cause for dizziness and vertigo is an acoustic neuroma. This is a noncancerous tumor that forms on the nerve that connects the inner ear to the brain.

Some other possible causes of dizziness include:

  • Sudden drop in blood pressure(hypotension)
  • Heart Muscle disease
  • Decrease in blood volume
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Anemia (low iron)
  • Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
  • Ear Infections
  • Dehydration
  • Heat Stroke
  • Excessive Exercise
  • Motion Sickness

In rare cases, dizziness could be caused by  multiple sclerosis disease, a stroke, a malignant tumor, or another brain disorders.

Signs and Symptoms of Dizziness

People experiencing dizziness may feel various sensations, including:

  • Lightheadedness or feeling faint
  • A false sense of spinning
  • Unsteadiness
  • Loss of balance
  • Feeling of floating or swimming

Sometimes, dizziness is accompanied by Nausea, vomiting, or fainting. 

  • Most people notice dizziness symptoms when they change positions, or move their heads.
  • You might feel vertigo or the opposite of vertigo, feel like you are spinning. Some people describe dizziness, as feeling a bit “woozy.” Severe dizziness is the fear that you may fall down when you stand up.
  • Some people may lose their hearing, or their vision, which may be accompanied by dizziness.
  • Nausea, ringing in the ears, and vomiting may be associated with dizziness.
  • Severe vomiting over a long period of time may cause dizziness symptoms.
  • Dizziness may be a symptom or sign of a serious problem. Notify your doctor if you experience any of the dizziness symptoms mentioned here.
Treatment for Dizziness

Treatment for vertigo and dizziness varies widely depending on the underlying cause. In most cases, home remedies and medical treatments can control the cause of dizziness. For example:

  • Inner-ear issues may be managed with medications and at-home exercises that can help control balance.
  • BPV can be resolved with maneuvers that can help alleviate symptoms. Surgery is an option for patients whose BPV is not otherwise controlled.
  • Meniere’s disease is treated with a healthful low-salt diet, occasional injections, or ear surgery.
  • Migraines are treated with medications and lifestyle changes, such as learning to identify and avoid migraine triggers.
  • Medication and anxiety-reducing techniques can help with anxiety disorders.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids can help when dizziness is caused by excessive exercise, heat, or dehydration.

BayBiosciences.com is a global leader in providing researchers with high quality, clinical grade, fully characterized human tissue samples, bio-specimens and human bio-fluid collections from cancer (tumor tissue, cancer-serum, cancer-plasma, cancer-PBMC) and from most other diseases.

Bay Biosciences maintains and manages it’s own bio-repository, human tissue bank (biobank) consisting of thousands of diseased and normal human tissue samples (specimens) in all formats. Our biobank procures and stores fully consented, deidentified and institutional review boards (IRB) approved human tissue samples and human specimens.

All our human tissue sample collections, human specimens and human bio-fluids are provided with detailed associated patient clinical data. Patients clinical data include information relating to their past and current disease, treatment history, lifestyle choices, biomarkers and genetic information. Patient data is extremely valuable for researchers and is used to help identify new effective treatments (drug discovery & development) in oncology, other therapeutic areas and other diseases, and demonstrate their impact, monitor the safety of medicines, testing & diagnostics, and generate new knowledge about the causes of disease and illness. 

Bay Biosciences banks wide variety of human tissue samples and biological samples including cryogenically preserved -80°C, fresh, frozen samples, FFPE’s, tissue slides, with matching human bio-fluids such as whole blood and blood derived products such as serum, plasma, PBMCs.

Bay Biosciences is a global leader in collecting and providing human tissue samples according to the researchers specified requirements and customized, tailor made collection protocols. Please contact us anytime to discuss your special research projects and customized human tissue sample requirements.

Bay Biosciences provides human tissue samples (human specimens) from diseased and normal healthy donors; including peripheral whole-blood, amniotic fluid, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL), sputum, pleural effusion, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), serum (sera), plasma, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC’s), saliva, buffy coat, urine, stool samples, kidney stones, renal calculi, nephrolithiasis, urolithiasis and other bodily fluids from most diseases including cancer. In addition to the above human bio-specimens we can procure All our human tissue samples are procured through IRB approved clinical protocols and procedures. 

 In addition to the standard processing protocols Bay Biosciences can also provide human plasma, serum, PBMC bio-fluid samples using custom processing protocols, donor specific collections in higher volumes and specified sample aliquoting. Bay Biosciences also provides human samples from normal healthy donors, volunteers, for controls and clinical research, contact us Now.