Fainting and it’s causes
Fainting Overview
Fainting, or syncope, is a sudden and temporary loss of consciousness. It usually happens when there is a slight decrease in the amount of oxygen reaching the brain.
Possible causes include:
- Emotional distress
- Low blood volume, for example, due to dehydration
- Poor circulation
- Use of certain medications
Fainting is not usually serious, but sometimes, it can indicate an underlying medical issue. People should treat every case of fainting as a medical emergency until they have uncovered the cause and treated the symptoms.
What is Fainting?
Fainting is a brief loss of consciousness that can occur with or without a serious medical issue. It can cause a person to slump in a chair or fall to the ground. Most people wake up after a few seconds and can remember feeling a little dizzy or sick before fainting.
Health experts associate fainting with decreased oxygen supply to the brain, but usually not to a degree that is dangerous.
Causes of Fainting
Different underlying conditions can cause a person to faint. We discuss some of them in detail below.
Neurocardiogenic Syncope
Neurocardiogenic, or reflex, syncope happens when a temporary problem arises with the autonomous nervous system (ANS). The ANS is the system that controls the body’s automatic functions, such as heart rate, breathing, and digestion.
Health experts also refer to neurocardiogenic syncope as neurally mediated syncope (NMS) or vasovagal syncope.
In NMS, a drop in blood pressure slows the heartbeat and pulse rate. This temporarily affects the brain’s blood and oxygen supply.
Possible triggers of NMS include:
Around half of all cases of fainting are of this type. Usually, it is not serious and does not need treatment.
Occupational Syncope
Occupational, or situational, syncope is a type of NMS, but the triggers are physical and include:
- Engaging in physical activity, such as exercising or lifting a heavy weight
- Coughing or sneezing
- Having gastrointestinal disturbances
- Passing stools or urine
- Standing for a long time
- Vomiting
Carotid Sinus Syndrome
This is also a type of NMS. The carotid artery is the main artery that supplies blood to the brain. When there is pressure on the pressure sensors, or carotid sinus, in the carotid artery, it can cause fainting.
Activities that can put pressure on the carotid sinus include:
- Shaving
- Turning the head
- Wearing a tight collar
Orthostatic Hypotension
A patient with orthostatic hypotension might faint after standing up too quickly.
Gravity pulls blood into the legs, bringing down blood pressure elsewhere in the body. The nervous system usually reacts to this by increasing the heartbeat and narrowing the blood vessels. This stabilizes blood pressure, but it can reduce blood and oxygen supply to the brain, resulting in fainting.
Triggers include:
- Lower than normal blood volume, for example, due to dehydration or blood loss
- Having diabetes, vitamin B12 deficiency, or another condition that affects the peripheral nervous system
- Using medications such as diuretics, beta-blockers, or antihypertensive drugs
- having idiopathic orthostatic hypotension, where there is no clear cause
- Parkinson’s disease or other condition that affects the nervous system
Cardiac Syncope
An underlying heart problem may reduce blood and oxygen supply to the brain.
Possible heart conditions include:
- Arrhythmias or an irregular heartbeat
- Heart attack where the heart muscle dies due to lack of blood and oxygen
- Stenosis, or a blockage of the heart valves
- Heart failure
- Pulmonary embolism
- Hypertension or high blood pressure
If a person faints and may have one of these conditions, they should seek medical attention. A doctor will likely recommend monitoring and possibly treatment for the condition.
Types of Fainting:
Syncope and Pre-syncope, or near Syncope
People sometimes distinguish between episodes of fainting by describing them as syncope or presyncope, also called near syncope.
One definition of pre-syncope, or near syncope, is “a feeling that you were going to faint but did not.” A person has symptoms that typically occur before fainting, but they do not lose consciousness. An episode can last from several seconds up to a few minutes.
During this time, they may experience:
- Blurry vision
- Warmth
- Sweating
- Lightheadedness
- Nausea
- Palpitations
- Weakness
In syncope, the person experiences similar symptoms but also loses consciousness.
Experts say these terms can be confusing, as doctors may use different definitions. Whether a person experiences syncope or near syncope, they may benefit from seeking medical advice.
Research suggests syncope and near syncope have similar outcomes, and the underlying cause is likely to be the same.
Symptoms of Fainting
Losing consciousness is the main symptom of fainting.
The following symptoms may be present before a person loses consciousness:
- A drop in blood pressure
- Changes in heart rhythm
- Dizziness
- Lightheadedness
- Nausea
- Sweating
- Visual changes, such as blurred or tunnel vision
- Weakness
When a person faints, they may:
- Appear unusually pale
- Fall over or slump
- Have reduced blood pressure and a weak pulse
If a person loses consciousness for more than a few minutes, this may be a sign of a seizure or another neurological problem. A person should seek medical attention if this happens.
Individuals who faint are unlikely to lose bowel or bladder control. If this happens, it may be a sign of a stroke.
Fainting in Children
According to a 2020 review, fainting is common in children, affecting around 15% of those aged under 18 years at some time. Most causes are benign. In some cases, however, the underlying cause will need addressing.
The same review found that the most common cause was NMS, or reflex syncope. Common triggers include standing for a long time and emotional distress. The second most common cause was postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, where the heart beats faster when a person stands up.
In most cases, an appropriate intake of fluids and electrolytes is enough to resolve fainting in children, although some may need other types of medication.
Breath-holding and Fainting in Infants
Sometimes, an infant or child may faint after holding their breath for up to 1 minute. The child may do this when they are upset or afraid or experience a shock or pain.
They may:
- Cry and then be silent while holding their breath
- Open their mouth as if to cry, but remain silent
- Lose consciousness for 1–2 minutes
In most cases, the child will regain consciousness, and the incident will pass. However, someone should seek emergency medical help if the child:
- Appears blue or gray
- Becomes floppy
- Cannot be woken
- Is shaking, stiff, or jerking, which may be a sign of a seizure
Whoever is with the child should:
- Remain calm
- Stay with the child
- Lay them on their side, away from anything that could injure them
- Reassure them and encourage them to rest afterward
This type of fainting is not uncommon. Children who experience it will usually do so only until they are 4–5 years old.
Diagnosis of Fainting
The doctor will ask about:
- Any other symptoms
- Details of any previous episodes
- The person’s medical history and any medications they take regularly
- Whether they have a family history of heart disease
- What the person was doing and where they were just before fainting occurred
The doctor will listen to the heart to check for underlying cardiac conditions. If they suspect a heart problem, the person may need to consult a heart specialist, or cardiologist.
Tests may include the following:
- Blood tests to check for anemia or diabetes
- ECG, to check the electrical activity of the heart
- Exercise stress test
- An echocardiogram
- A tilt test, to monitor blood pressure, heart rhythm, and heart rate on moving from lying down to an upright position
- A Holter monitor test, in which an individual wears a portable device under their clothing that monitors every heartbeat for 1–2 days
If the tests do not show a treatable condition, the doctor will schedule a follow-up.
Treatment of Fainting
If fainting could be due to an underlying health condition, a person should seek medical attention.
A doctor will likely carry out investigations, such as an electrocardiogram (ECG), to rule out problems such as heart disease. Depending on the results, the person may need treatment.
If an individual with a known underlying health condition faints, it may be that their medications need adjusting or that symptoms have progressed. Addressing the underlying cause can help prevent future episodes and manage the underlying condition.
People who are likely to faint at the sight or thought of an injection or blood can tell a healthcare professional before undergoing a medical procedure that may involve this. The professional can then ensure the individual is in a safe position, such as lying down, before starting the procedure.
If a person faints and does not have a health condition, they may be able to prevent future episodes by avoiding triggers, such as standing for a long time.
People who feel faint on standing up may benefit from:
- Avoiding medications that worsen the problem, such as diuretics
- Ensuring they take time to sit up or stand up
- Wearing compression stockings
In some cases, a doctor may recommend intravenous (IV) fluids or medications to prevent fainting. An IV fluid or medication is one that a healthcare professional administers into a vein.
What to do in Case Someone Faints
People who feel themselves becoming faint should do the following:
- Find a safe place to sit or lie down.
- While sitting, place their head between their knees.
- When standing up again, do so slowly.
If a person notices that somebody is fainting, has fainted, or is about to faint, they can help by doing the following:
- Help the person lie down on their back.
- Check for any injuries.
- Raise their legs above heart level to restore blood flow to the brain.
- Ensure there is plenty of fresh air.
- If there is a crowd, ask other people to move away.
- When the person regains consciousness, do not let them get up too quickly.
- If they remain unconscious for more than about 1 minute, put them in the recovery position and get emergency medical help.
If the person is not breathing or remains unresponsive, someone should call for emergency help and prepare to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if they know how to do it:
- Check for coughing or movement.
- Make sure that the airway is clear.
- If there is no sign of breathing or circulation, start CPR.
- Continue CPR until either help arrives or the person starts breathing on their own.
- Put them in the recovery position and stay with them until help comes.
- If the individual is bleeding after the fall, apply direct pressure to the wound to help control the bleeding.
When to See a Doctor in Case Someone Faints
A fainting episode may be the symptom of a more severe underlying condition, such as heart disease.
People should seek medical assistance if they:
- Have diabetes
- Faint during pregnancy
- Have a first episode of fainting
- Noticed chest pains or an irregular, pounding heartbeat before losing consciousness
- Have a history of heart disease
- Sustain an injury due to fainting
- Had fecal or urinary incontinence any time before, during, or after fainting
- Have recurring episodes of fainting
- Lost consciousness for more than a few minutes after fainting
Fainting is a common event that can occur for many reasons, ranging from being in a crowded space to having a health condition, such as heart failure. It happens when too little oxygen reaches the brain.
In most cases, fainting is not a cause for concern. However, if it stems from an underlying condition, a person may need treatment to address the problem.
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