Inflammation Overview

Inflammation is part of the process by which the immune system defends the body from harmful agents, such as bacteria and viruses. Inflammation refers to the body’s process of fighting against things that harm it, such as infections, injuries, and toxins, in an attempt to heal itself. When something damages the cells, the body releases chemicals that trigger a response from the  immune system. This response includes the release of antibodies and proteins, as well as increased blood flow to the damaged area. The whole process usually lasts for a few hours or days in the case of acute inflammation.

Chronic inflammation happens when this response lingers, leaving your body in a constant state of alert. Over time, chronic inflammation may have a negative impact on the tissues and organs.  Research suggests that chronic inflammation could also play a role in a range of health conditions, such as asthma, Alzheimer’s disease, cancerdiabetes and heart disease.

Signs and Symptoms of Inflammation

Following are the common signs and symptoms of inflammation:
  • Abdominal pain
  • Chest pain
  • Redness and rashes
  • A swollen joint that may be warm to the touch
  • Joint pain
  • Stiffness in joints
  • Mouth Soars
  • A joint that doesn’t work as well as it should
Inflammation can also cause flu-like symptoms including:

Causes of Inflammation

When inflammation occurs, chemicals from the body’s white blood cells (WBCs) enter the blood or tissues to protect your body from invaders. This raises the blood flow to the area of injury or infection. It can cause redness and warmth. Some of the chemicals cause fluid to leak into your tissues, resulting in swelling. This protective process may trigger nerves and cause pain. Higher numbers of white blood cells and the things they make inside your joints cause irritation, swelling of the joint lining, and loss of cartilage (cushions at the end of bones) over time.

Several things can cause inflammation, including:
  • Untreated causes of acute inflammation, such as an infection or injury
  • An autoimmune disease, which involves the immune system mistakenly attacking healthy tissue
  • Long-term exposure to irritants, such as industrial chemicals or polluted air

The above factors may not inflammation in everyone, some cases of inflammation don’t have a clear underlying cause.

Experts also believe that a range of factors may also contribute to chronic inflammation, such as:

Inflammation can cause the body’s inflammatory response which can eventually start damaging healthy cells, tissues, and organs. Over time, this can lead to DNA damage, tissue death, and internal scarring.

All of these are linked to the development of several diseases, including:

Diagnosis of Inflammation

Inflammation is diagnosed after taking patients medical history and doing a physical examination focusing on on the following conditions:

  • The pattern of painful joints and whether there are signs of inflammation
  • Investigation of the joints are stiff in the morning
  • Any other symptoms

Doctor will also look at the results of X-rays and blood tests for biomarkers such as:

  • C-reactive protein (CRP)
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

Treatment of Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural part of the healing process, but when it becomes chronic, it’s important to get it under control to reduce your risk of long-term damage. Following are some of the options for managing inflammation include:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Over-the-counter NSAIDs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil), and naproxen (Aleve), effectively reduce inflammation and pain. But long-term use is to an increased risk of several conditions, including peptic ulcers and kidney disease.
  • Steroids: Corticosteroids are a type of steroid hormone. They decrease inflammation and suppress the immune system, which is helpful when it starts attacking healthy tissue. But long-term use of corticosteroids can lead to vision problems, high blood pressure (hypertension) and osteoporosis.
  • Supplements: Certain supplements may help to reduce inflammation. Fish oil, lipoic acid and curcumin are all linked to decreases inflammation associated with diseases, including cancer and heart disease. Several spices might also help with chronic inflammation and inflammatory disease, including ginger, garlic, and cayenne.

Bay Biosciences is a global leader in providing researchers with high quality, clinical grade, fully characterized human tissue samples, bio-specimens and human bio-fluid collections from cancer (tumor) tissue, cancer serum, cancer plasma cancer PBMC and human tissue samples from most other therapeutic areas and diseases.

Bay Biosciences maintains and manages it’s own bio-repository, human tissue bank (biobank) consisting of thousands of diseased samples (specimens) and from normal healthy donors available in all formats and types. Our biobank procures and stores fully consented, deidentified and institutional review boards (IRB) approved human tissue samples and matched controls.

All our human human tissue collections, human specimens and human bio-fluids are provided with detailed samples associated patient’s clinical data. This critical patient’s clinical data includes information relating to their past and current disease, treatment history, lifestyle choices, biomarkers and genetic information. Patient’s data is extremely valuable for researchers and is used to help identify new effective treatments (drug discovery & development) in oncology, other therapeutic areas and diseases. This clinical information is critical to demonstrate their impact, monitor the safety of medicines, testing & diagnostics, and generate new knowledge about the causes of disease and illness. 

Bay Biosciences banks wide variety of human tissue samples and biological samples including cryogenically preserved -80°C, fresh, fresh frozen tissue samplestumor tissue samples, FFPE’s, tissue slides, with matching human bio-fluids, whole blood and blood derived products such as serumplasma and PBMC’s.

Bay Biosciences is a global leader in collecting and providing human tissue samples according to the researchers specified requirements and customized, tailor made collection protocols. Please contact us anytime to discuss your special research projects and customized human tissue sample requirements.

Bay Biosciences provides human tissue samples (human specimens) from diseased and normal healthy donors; including peripheral whole-blood, amniotic fluid, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL), sputum, pleural effusion, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), serum (sera), plasma, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC’s), saliva, Buffy coat, urine, stool samples, aqueous humor, vitreous humor, kidney stones, renal calculi, nephrolithiasis, urolithiasis and other bodily fluids from most diseases including cancer. We can also procure most human bio-specimens and can do special collections and requests of human samples that are difficult to find. All our human tissue samples are procured through IRB approved clinical protocols and procedures. 

In addition to the standard processing protocols Bay Biosciences can also provide human plasmaserum, PBMC bio-fluid samples using custom processing protocols, you can buy donor specific sample collections in higher volumes and specified sample aliquoting from us. Bay Biosciences also provides human samples from normal healthy donors, volunteers, for controls and clinical research, contact us Now.


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